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LessThanMD v1


LessThanMD dialog.


Perform the LessThan boolean operation on two MDHistoWorkspaces


Name Direction Type Default Description
LHSWorkspace Input IMDWorkspace Mandatory An MDEventWorkspace, MDHistoWorkspace or WorkspaceSingleValue as the left-hand side of the operation.
RHSWorkspace Input IMDWorkspace Mandatory An MDEventWorkspace, MDHistoWorkspace or WorkspaceSingleValue as the right-hand side of the operation.
OutputWorkspace Output IMDWorkspace Mandatory Name of the output MDEventWorkspace or MDHistoWorkspace.


Perform the < (less-than) boolean operation on two MDHistoWorkspaces or a MDHistoWorkspace and a scalar. The output workspace has a signal of 0.0 to mean “false” and a signal of 1.0 to mean “true”. Errors are 0.

For two MDHistoWorkspaces, the operation is performed element-by-element.

For a MDHistoWorkspace and a scalar, the operation is performed on each element of the output.

Categories: AlgorithmIndex | MDAlgorithms\MDArithmetic


C++ header: LessThanMD.h

C++ source: LessThanMD.cpp