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LoadTOFRawNexus v1


LoadTOFRawNexus dialog.


Loads a NeXus file confirming to the TOFRaw format


Name Direction Type Default Description
Filename Input string Mandatory The name of the NeXus file to load. Allowed extensions: [‘.nxs’]
OutputWorkspace Output MatrixWorkspace Mandatory The name of the Workspace2D to create.
Signal Input number 1 Number of the signal to load from the file. Default is 1 = time_of_flight. Some NXS files have multiple data fields giving binning in other units (e.g. d-spacing or momentum). Enter the right signal number for your desired field.
SpectrumMin Input number 1 The index number of the first spectrum to read. Only used if spectrum_max is set.
SpectrumMax Input number Optional The number of the last spectrum to read. Only used if explicitly set.


This algorithm loads a NeXus file that conforms to the TOFRaw format and stores it in a 2D workspace. The TOFRaw format is used at SNS and consists of a histogram representation with common bin boundaries.

Some NXS files have multiple data fields giving binning in other units (e.g. d-spacing or momentum). You can choose which binning to use by entering the Signal parameter. The default value is 1, which normally will correspond to TOF. The “Y” units will still be in counts.

The typical meanings of Signal are as follows (note that these may change!):

  • Signal 1: Time of flight. The data field containing the bin boundaries is time_of_flight
  • Signal 5: q. The data field containing the bin boundaries is momentum_transfer
  • Signal 6: d-spacing. The data field containing the bin boundaries is dspacing

Categories: AlgorithmIndex | DataHandling\Nexus