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MRFilterCrossSections v1


MRFilterCrossSections dialog.

Table of Contents


This algorithm loads a Magnetism Reflectometer file and returns workspaces for each cross-section.


Name Direction Type Default Description
Filename Input string   Allowed extensions: [‘.nxs’, ‘.nxs.h5’]
InputWorkspace Input Workspace   Optionally, we can provide a scattering workspace directly
PolState Input string SF1 Name of the log entry determining the polarizer state
AnaState Input string SF2 Name of the log entry determining the analyzer state
PolVeto Input string   Name of the log entry determining the polarizer veto [optional]
AnaVeto Input string   Name of the log entry determining the analyzer veto [optional]
CheckDevices Input boolean True If true, the analyzer/polarizer devices will be checked before filtering
CrossSectionWorkspaces Output WorkspaceGroup   Workspace group containing cross-sections


Use by the Magnetism Reflectometer reduction. This algorithm takes in a data file and returns a workspace group containing a workspace for each cross-section.

Users can provide log entry names for the logs defining the initial and final polarization states. The output workspace group will contain a workspace for each combination of the initial and final states with values 1 or 0 (on or off). Whether on and off correspond to spin up or down will depend on the hardware used at the instrument, which can be determined from the logs.

The algorithm will read the “Analyzer” and “Polarizer” logs to determine whether those devices were used. Filtering of the initial (final) state will only be done if the “Polarizer” (“Analyzer”) log is greater than 0. A value of 0 means that the device was not in use.

Finally, a veto log can be provided for each of the initial and final state logs. Events with a veto log other than 0 will be rejected.

For data files created using the legacy data acquisition system (pre-2018), the workspace group will contain the four nexus entries of the original nexus file.

Categories: AlgorithmIndex | Reflectometry\SNS