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MRGetTheta v1


MRGetTheta dialog.

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Get the theta scattering angle for the Magnetism Reflectometer (radians).


Name Direction Type Default Description
Workspace Input Workspace Mandatory Workspace containing MR data
AngleOffset Input number 0 Angle offset (rad)
UseSANGLE Input boolean False If True, use SANGLE as the scattering angle. If False, use DANGLE.
SpecularPixel Input number 0 Pixel position of the specular reflectivity [optional]
DirectPixelOverwrite Input number Optional DIRPIX overwrite value
DAngle0Overwrite Input number Optional DANGLE0 overwrite value (degrees)
Theta Output number   Scattering angle theta (rad)


Calculates the reflection angle theta for a Magnetism Reflectometer workspace. There are two options:


This option simply reads in the SANGLE value and returns it in radians. SANGLE is read from an encoder on the sample stage.


Used when UseSANGLE is set to false. DANGLE tracks the angle between the incoming beam and the detector relative to an offset (DANGLE0). When everything is aligned, \theta=(DANGLE-DANGLE0)/2.

The reflected beam should be aligned to fall on the detector pixel stored in the DIRPIX log. When it’s not the case, the theta angle will be corrected accordingly. If the SpecularPixel property is set, the reflection angle will be given by:

\theta=(DANGLE-DANGLE0)/2 + (DIRPIX - SpecularPixel) * W / 2L

where W is the pixel width (0.7 mm) and L is the sample-to-detector distance.

With both options, an offset can be added to the resulting angle by setting the AngleOffset property.

Categories: AlgorithmIndex | Reflectometry\SNS