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MRInspectData v1


MRInspectData dialog.

Table of Contents


This algorithm inspects Magnetism Reflectometer data and populates meta-data.


Name Direction Type Default Description
Workspace Input Workspace Mandatory Input workspace
UseROI Input boolean True If true, use the meta-data ROI rather than finding the ranges
UpdatePeakRange Input boolean False If true, a fit will be performed and the peak ranges will be updated
UseROIBck Input boolean False If true, use the 2nd ROI in the meta-data for the background
UseTightBck Input boolean False If true, use the area on each side of the peak to compute the background
BckWidth Input number 10 If UseTightBck is true, width of the background on each side of the peak
ForcePeakROI Input boolean False If true, use the PeakROI property as the ROI
PeakROI Input long list 0,0 Pixel range defining the reflectivity peak
ForceLowResPeakROI Input boolean False If true, use the LowResPeakROI property as the ROI
LowResPeakROI Input long list 0,0 Pixel range defining the low-resolution peak
ForceBckROI Input boolean False If true, use the BckROI property as the ROI
BckROI Input long list 0,0 Pixel range defining the background
EventThreshold Input number 10000 Minimum number of events needed to call a data set a valid direct beam
DirectPixelOverwrite Input number Optional DIRPIX overwrite value
DAngle0Overwrite Input number Optional DANGLE0 overwrite value (degrees)


Use by the Magnetism Reflectometer reduction. The algorithm takes in raw event data and determines various parameters such as the reflectivity peak position, the pixel range of the data in the low-resolution direction, the TOF range, etc… This information is stored in the sample logs.

Categories: AlgorithmIndex | Reflectometry\SNS