
MaskPeaksWorkspace v1


MaskPeaksWorkspace dialog.


Masks a peaks workspace.


Name Direction Type Default Description
InputWorkspace Input MatrixWorkspace Mandatory A workspace containing one or more rectangular area detectors. Each spectrum needs to correspond to only one pixelID (e.g. no grouping or previous calls to SumNeighbours).
InPeaksWorkspace Input PeaksWorkspace Mandatory The name of the workspace that will be created. Can replace the input workspace.
XMin Input number -2 Minimum of X (col) Range to mask peak relative to peak’s center
XMax Input number 2 Maximum of X (col) Range to mask peak relative to peak’s center
YMin Input number -2 Minimum of Y (row) Range to mask peak relative to peak’s center
YMax Input number 2 Maximum of Y (row) Range to mask peak relative to peak’s center
TOFMin Input number Optional Optional(all TOF if not specified): Minimum TOF relative to peak’s center TOF.
TOFMax Input number Optional Optional(all TOF if not specified): Maximum TOF relative to peak’s center TOF.


Mask pixels in an Workspace close to peak positions from a PeaksWorkspace. Peaks could come from ISAW diamond stripping routine for SNAP data. This algorithm was originally developed for instruments with RectangularDetector’s, but is now adapted to work for tube type detector of the two instruments (WISH and CORELLI).



#the files for this example are not available for download
#This is to illustrate usage only
ws = Load("TOPAZ_3007.nxs")
#This will mask out the data in the event workspace relating to the peaks


Running the algorithm will trigger a deprecation warning regarding the SpectraList. This is a known issue and will be addressed at a later date.

Categories: AlgorithmIndex | Crystal\Peaks