Processing math: 0%


Qxy v1


Qxy dialog.


Performs the final part of a SANS (LOQ/SANS2D) two dimensional (in Q) data reduction.


Name Direction Type Default Description
InputWorkspace Input MatrixWorkspace Mandatory The corrected data in units of wavelength.
OutputWorkspace Output MatrixWorkspace Mandatory The name to use for the corrected workspace.
MaxQxy Input number Mandatory The upper limit of the Qx-Qy grid (goes from -MaxQxy to +MaxQxy).
DeltaQ Input number Mandatory The dimension of a Qx-Qy cell.
IQxQyLogBinning Input boolean False I(qx,qy) log binning when binning is not specified.
PixelAdj Input MatrixWorkspace   The scaling to apply to each spectrum e.g. for detector efficiency, must have just one bin per spectrum and the same number of spectra as DetBankWorkspace.
WavelengthAdj Input MatrixWorkspace   The scaling to apply to each bin to account for monitor counts, transmission fraction, etc. Must be one spectrum with the same binning as the InputWorkspace, the same units (counts) and the same [[ConvertToDistribution|distribution status]].
AccountForGravity Input boolean False Whether to correct for the effects of gravity.
SolidAngleWeighting Input boolean True If true, pixels will be weighted by their solid angle.
RadiusCut Input number 0 The minimum distance in mm from the beam center at which all wavelengths are used in the calculation (see section [[Q1D#Resolution and Cutoffs|Resolution and Cutoffs]])
WaveCut Input number 0 The shortest wavelength in angstrom at which counts should be summed from all detector pixels (see section [[Q1D#Resolution and Cutoffs|Resolution and Cutoffs]])
OutputParts Input boolean False Set to true to output two additional workspaces which will have the names OutputWorkspace_sumOfCounts OutputWorkspace_sumOfNormFactors. The division of _sumOfCounts and _sumOfNormFactors equals the workspace returned by the property OutputWorkspace
ExtraLength Input number 0 Additional length for gravity correction.


This algorithm rebins a 2D workspace in units of wavelength into 2D Q. The reduction it performs is the same as that executed by the Q1D v2 algorithm, expect performed in 2D instead of 1D. Hence, for further documentation on how this algorithm works please see Q1D v2.

Categories: AlgorithmIndex | SANS


C++ header: Qxy.h

C++ source: Qxy.cpp