Processing math: 0%


SNAPReduce v1


SNAPReduce dialog.


Name Direction Type Default Description
RunNumbers Input long list 0 Run numbers to process, comma separated
Background Input number Optional Background to subtract from each individual run
Masking Input string None Mask to be applied to the data. Allowed values: [‘None’, ‘Horizontal’, ‘Vertical’, ‘Masking Workspace’, ‘Custom - xml masking file’]
MaskingWorkspace Input Workspace   The workspace containing the mask.
MaskingFilename Input string   The file containing the xml mask.
Calibration Input string Convert Units The type of conversion to d_spacing to be used. Allowed values: [‘Convert Units’, ‘Calibration File’, ‘DetCal File’]
CalibrationFilename Input string   The calibration file to convert to d_spacing. Allowed extensions: [‘.h5’, ‘.cal’]
DetCalFilename Input list of str lists   ISAW DetCal file. Allowed extensions: [‘.detcal’]
Binning Input dbl list 0.5,-0.004,7 Min, Step, and Max of d-space bins. Logarithmic binning is used if Step is negative.
Normalization Input string None If needed what type of input to use as normalization, Extracted from Data uses a background determination that is peak independent.This implemantation can be tested in algorithm SNAP Peak Clipping Background. Allowed values: [‘None’, ‘From Workspace’, ‘From Processed Nexus’, ‘Extracted from Data’]
NormalizationFilename Input string   The file containing the processed nexus for normalization.
NormalizationWorkspace Input Workspace   The workspace containing the normalization data.
PeakClippingWindowSize Input number 10 Read live data - requires a saved run in the current IPTS with the same instrument configuration
SmoothingRange Input number 10 Read live data - requires a saved run in the current IPTS with the same instrument configuration
GroupDetectorsBy Input string All Detector groups to use for future focussing: All detectors as one group, Groups (East,West for SNAP), Columns for SNAP, detector banks. Allowed values: [‘All’, ‘Column’, ‘Banks’, ‘Modules’, ‘2_4 Grouping’]
MaxChunkSize Input number 16 Specify maximum Gbytes of file to read in one chunk. Zero reads the whole file at once.
ProcessingMode Input string Production Set-Up Mode is used for establishing correct parameters. Production Mode only Normalized workspace is kept for each run. Allowed values: [‘Set-Up’, ‘Production’]
FinalUnits Input string dSpacing Units to convert the data to at the end of processing. Allowed values: [‘dSpacing’, ‘MomentumTransfer’, ‘Wavelength’]
OptionalPrefix Input string   Optional Prefix to be added to workspaces and output filenames
SaveData Input boolean False Save data in the following formats: Ascii- d-spacing ,Nexus Processed,GSAS and Fullprof
OutputDirectory Input string   Default value is proposal shared directory
EnableConfigurator Input boolean False Do not reduce, just save the configuration file for autoreduction
ConfigSaveDir Input string   Default directory is /SNS/IPTS-XXXX/shared/config where XXXX is theIPTS number of the first input run number


The purpose of this algorithm is to do a full reduction of SNAP data. This allows several runs, and with all the typical options that are usually used at the beamline, including calibrate from a cal file and from Convert Units, mask from file workspace and default masks, several groupings and save in GSAS or Fullprof format.

AutoConfiguration Creator

Option EnableConfigurator bypasses the autoreduction. Instead, a file containing the names and values of certain input properties is saved to disk.

  • All properties except RunNumbers, EnableConfigurator, and ConfigSaveDir are saved.
  • The set of property names and values are cast into a python dictionary, then saved in JSON format.
  • The file name follows the format YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS.json, the timestamp being the time of file creation.
  • The file is saved to the location specified in ConfigSaveDir. If no location is specified then the file is saved to /SNS/SNAP/IPTS-XXXX/shared/autoreduce/configurations/, where XXXX stands for the IPTS number of the first run passed on to property “RunNumbers”.