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SphericalAbsorption v1


SphericalAbsorption dialog.


Calculates bin-by-bin or event correction factors for attenuation due to absorption and scattering in a ‘spherical’ sample.


Name Direction Type Default Description
InputWorkspace Input MatrixWorkspace Mandatory The X values for the input workspace must be in units of wavelength
OutputWorkspace Output MatrixWorkspace Mandatory Output workspace name
AttenuationXSection Input number Optional The ‘’‘absorption’‘’ cross-section, at 1.8 Angstroms, for the sample material in barns, if not set with SetSampleMaterial.
ScatteringXSection Input number Optional The (coherent + incoherent) scattering cross-section for the sample material in barns, if not set with SetSampleMaterial.
SampleNumberDensity Input number Optional The number density of the sample in number of atoms per cubic angstrom, if not set with SetSampleMaterial
SphericalSampleRadius Input number Optional The radius of the spherical sample in centimetresif not set with SetSample.


Calculates bin-by-bin or event correction factors for attenuation due to absorption and scattering in a spherical sample. Sample data should be divided by these corrections. Algorithm calls AnvredCorrection v1.


Example: A simple spherical sample

ws = CreateSampleWorkspace("Histogram",NumBanks=1,BankPixelWidth=1)
ws = ConvertUnits(ws,"Wavelength")
ws = Rebin(ws,Params=[1])

#restrict the number of wavelength points to speed up the example
wsOut = SphericalAbsorption(ws,SphericalSampleRadius=0.2)

print("The created workspace has spectra: {}".format(wsOut.readY(0)))


The created workspace has spectra: [ 0.8693233   0.81842536  0.77068608  0.72590446  0.68389228  0.65847929]

Categories: AlgorithmIndex | CorrectionFunctions\AbsorptionCorrections