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This is a Python binding to the C++ class Mantid::API::IPeak.

class mantid.api.IPeak
getAbsorptionWeightedPathLength((IPeak)self) → float :

Get the absorption weighted path length

getAzimuthal((IPeak)self) → float :

Calculate the azimuthal angle of the peak

getBinCount((IPeak)self) → float :

Return the # of counts in the bin at its peak

getCol((IPeak)self) → int :

For RectangularDetector s only, returns the column (x) of the pixel of the Detector.

getDSpacing((IPeak)self) → float :

Calculate the d-spacing of the peak, in 1/Angstroms

getEnergyTransfer((IPeak)self) → float :

Get the initial neutron energy minus the final neutron energy in meV.

New in version 3.12.0.

getFinalEnergy((IPeak)self) → float :

Get the final neutron energy in meV.

getGoniometerMatrix((IPeak)self) → numpy.ndarray :

Get the Goniometer rotation matrix of this peak.

New in version 3.12.0.

getH((IPeak)self) → float :

Get the H index of the peak

getHKL((IPeak)self) → V3D :

Get HKL as a V3D object

getInitialEnergy((IPeak)self) → float :

Get the initial (incident) neutron energy in meV.

getIntHKL((IPeak)self) → V3D :

Get HKL as a V3D object

getIntMNP((IPeak)self) → V3D :

Return the modulated scructure for this peak

getIntensity((IPeak)self) → float :

Return the integrated peak intensity

getIntensityOverSigma((IPeak)self) → float :

Return the error on the integrated peak intensity divided by the error in intensity.

New in version 3.12.0.

getK((IPeak)self) → float :

Get the K index of the peak

getL((IPeak)self) → float :

Get the L index of the peak

getL1((IPeak)self) → float :

Return the L1 flight path length (source to Sample), in meters.

getL2((IPeak)self) → float :

Return the L2 flight path length (Sample to Detector), in meters.

getMonitorCount((IPeak)self) → float :

Get the monitor count set for this peak

getPeakNumber((IPeak)self) → int :

Return the peak number for this peak

getPeakShape((IPeak)self) → PeakShape :

Get the peak shape

getQLabFrame((IPeak)self) → V3D :

Return the Q change (of the lattice, k_i - k_f) for this peak. The Q is in the Lab frame: the Goniometer rotation was NOT taken out. Note: There is no 2*pi factor used, so |Q| = 1/wavelength.

getQSampleFrame((IPeak)self) → V3D :

Return the Q change (of the lattice, k_i - k_f) for this peak.The Q is in the Sample frame: the Goniometer rotation WAS taken out.

getReferenceFrame((IPeak)self) → ReferenceFrame :

Returns the ReferenceFrame attached that defines the instrument axes

getRow((IPeak)self) → int :

For RectangularDetector s only, returns the row (y) of the pixel of the detector.

getRunNumber((IPeak)self) → int :

Return the run number this peak was measured at

getSamplePos((IPeak)self) → V3D :

Get the cached samplePos as a V3D object

getScattering((IPeak)self) → float :

Calculate the scattering angle of the peak

getSigmaIntensity((IPeak)self) → float :

Return the error on the integrated peak intensity

getTOF((IPeak)self) → float :

Calculate the time of flight (in microseconds) of the neutrons for this peak

getWavelength((IPeak)self) → float :

Return the incident wavelength

setAbsorptionWeightedPathLength((IPeak)self, (float)pathLength) → None :

Set the absorption weighted path length

setBinCount((IPeak)self, (float)bin_count) → None :

Set the # of counts in the bin at its peak

setFinalEnergy((IPeak)self, (float)final_energy) → None :

Set the final neutron energy in meV.

setGoniometerMatrix((IPeak)self, (object)goniometerMatrix) → None :

Set the Goniometer rotation matrix of this peak.

setH((IPeak)self, (float)h) → None :

Get the H index of the peak

setHKL((IPeak)self, (float)h, (float)k, (float)l) → None :

Set the HKL values of this peak

setInitialEnergy((IPeak)self, (float)initial_energy) → None :

Set the initial (incident) neutron energy in meV.

setIntHKL((IPeak)self, (V3D)hkl) → None :

Set the integer HKL for this peak

setIntMNP((IPeak)self, (V3D)modulated_structure) → None :

Set the modulated structure for this peak

setIntensity((IPeak)self, (float)intensity) → None :

Set the integrated peak intensity

setK((IPeak)self, (float)k) → None :

Get the K index of the peak

setL((IPeak)self, (float)l) → None :

Get the L index of the peak

setMonitorCount((IPeak)self, (float)monitor_count) → None :

Set the monitor count for this peak

setPeakNumber((IPeak)self, (int)peak_number) → None :

Set the peak number for this peak

setQLabFrame((IPeak)self, (V3D)qlab_frame) → None :

Set the peak using the peak’s position in reciprocal space, in the lab frame.

setQLabFrame( (IPeak)self, (V3D)qlab_frame, (float)distance) -> None :
Set the peak using the peak’s position in reciprocal space, in the lab frame. Detector distance explicitly supplied.
setQSampleFrame((IPeak)self, (V3D)qsample_frame) → None :

Set the peak using the peak’s position in reciprocal space, in the sample frame.

setQSampleFrame( (IPeak)self, (V3D)qsample_frame, (float)distance) -> None :
Set the peak using the peak’s position in reciprocal space, in the sample frame. Detector distance explicitly supplied.
setRunNumber((IPeak)self, (int)run_number) → None :

Set the run number that measured this peak

setSamplePos((IPeak)self, (float)samX, (float)samY, (float)samZ) → None :

Set the samplePos value of this peak. It does not set the instrument sample position.

setSamplePos( (IPeak)self, (V3D)newPos) -> None :
Set the samplePos value of this peak. It does not set the instrument sample position.
setSigmaIntensity((IPeak)self, (float)sigma_intensity) → None :

Set the error on the integrated peak intensity

setWavelength((IPeak)self, (float)wave_length) → None :

Set the incident wavelength of the neutron. Calculates the energy from this assuming elastic scattering.