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Fit Constraint

How constraints on parameters work

Consider the scenario where the aim is to fit a lorenzian function to a 1D dataset but a constraint applied on the peak centre parameter. Assume the 1D dataset consists of N data points (x_1,y_1^{obs}), (x_2,y_2^{obs}), ... (x_N,y_N^{obs}), where x_i is the ith x-value and y_i^{obs} is the ith observed value for that x-value. Write the lorentzian function as:

y_i^{cal}(h, x0, w) = h \left( \frac{w^2}{(x_i-x0)^2+w^2} \right)

where he lorentzian fitting parameters here are

  • h - height of peak (at maximum)
  • x0 - centre of peak
  • w - half-width at half-maximum

x_i is the x-value of the ith data point and y_i^{cal} is the lorentzian calculated value at that data point.

We want to apply a constraint on the x0 parameter, i.e. the centre of the peak. For example, apply the constraint that x0 should be in between x0_{min} and x0_{max}. If this is not satisfied we then add the following penalty function to y_i^{cal} if x0 < x0_{min}:

p_i = C(x0_{min}-x0)

where C is a constant (default 1000). The penalty function when x0 > x0_{max} takes the form:

p_i = C(x0-x0_{max})


If more than one constraint is defined, then for each violated constraint a penalty of the type defined above is added to the calculated fitting function.

If the penalty C is not the default value of 1000, then the constraint penalty value will be included whenever the function is converted to a string. For example:

from mantid.simpleapi import *
myFunction = Gaussian(Height=1.0, PeakCentre=3.0, Sigma=1.0)
myFunction.constrain("PeakCentre < 6")
myFunction.setConstraintPenaltyFactor("PeakCentre", 10.0)
myFunction.constrain('Sigma > 0')

will output:


Category: Concepts