LoadILLAscii, which could be used to load D2B ASCII data into an MD workspace, has been removed. LoadILLDiffraction should be used instead.
LoadILLDiffraction now supports loading D2B data with detector scans. The D2B IDF has been updated, as previously it contained some errors in the positions of the tubes and size of the pixels.
AlignAndFocusPowder now correctly supports overloading the grouping file in the presence of a masking workspace.
New algorithm Bin2DPowderDiffraction to bin TOF powder diffraction event data in (d,d⊥) space has been developed.
PDCalibration has changed how it calculates constants from peak positions to use a simplex optimization rather than Gauss-Markov method.
ResampleX has a bug fix in how it automatically determines the data range for a workspace with multiple spectra.
The powder diffraction GUI has had numerous bugfixes and now has an option to override the detector grouping.
SingleCrystalDiffuseReduction output from CORELLI data.
New algorithm SingleCrystalDiffuseReduction which performs the most common reductions done on Corelli (and elsewhere) for single crystal diffuse scattering.
FindPeaksMD has been modified to only add peaks to runs that contributed to that peak. This is a lot faster when multiple runs are in the same MDworkspace.
New algorithm MDNormSCDPreprocessIncoherent creates the Solid Angle and Flux workspace from Vanadium data for MDNormSCD
FindSXPeaks now finds all peaks in each spectrum. It also allows for setting more fine-grained resolutions. It can now also accept workspaces both in units of TOF and d-spacing.
SCDCalibratePanels now adjusts the sample offsets and has an option to optimize the initial time-of-flight for better calibration of single crystal data.
SCDCalibratePanels has CalibrateSnapPanels option to calibrate 3X3 banks of SNAP instrument for single crystal data.
LoadIsawDetCal has not correctly aligned the detectors for SNAP since release 3.9. This bug that only impacted SNAP has been fixed.