Processing math: 0%


SANS Changes


  • LoadILLSANS is upgraded to load the modern nexus files from instruments D11, D22 and D33 at the ILL.
  • SANSMask is extended to have a MaskedWorkspace property, to copy the mask from.


  • EQSANS is configured for live data

ISIS SANS Interface



  • A string of wavelength ranges can now be specified. A reduction is then done for each wavelength range.


  • Transmission workspaces are now output by default from the new GUI.
  • The Beam centre finder now takes the default radius limits from the instrument parameter file if specified.
  • Updated old backend to mask by detector ID rather than spectrum number, improving reliability.
  • Added EventSlice option to options column in new GUI.
  • Added thickness column to table in new GUI.
  • Added Radius Cutoff and Wavelength Cutoff boxes to the old and new GUI.
  • Improved error messages in the new GUI to be more obvious and clearer.
  • Updated the naming of workspace groups in a sliced reduction.
  • Updated old backend to mask by detector ID rather than spectrum number, improving reliability.
  • NXcanSAS is now saved out with a .h5 extension so it can be read into SASView.


  • The beam stop arm is now masked on LOQ for the new backend.
  • Fixed a bug in the old backend where for LOQ the high angle bank was not being centered correctly in some cases.
  • User files specified in the batch file are now being loaded into the new GUI.
  • The new sans GUI will now save out all the outputs of a time sliced reduction.
  • Fixed a bug where save_format was not being specified if a user file was entered for a row.
  • Use gravity now defaulting to false.
  • MASK/TIME and TIME/MASK now both work in new backend.
  • SET Centre/HAB command is now correctly parsed into a separate variable to SET Centre.

Features Removed

  • Removed SaveNist as an option from both GUI’s
  • The Q range option on the beam centre tab was producing erroneous results so has been removed until it can be improved and fixed.

Release 3.13.0