Processing math: 0%


MantidPlot Changes

Table of Contents



The vast majority of development effort for user interfaces is now directed towards the Mantid workbench, for now only significant bugs will be fixed within MantidPlot.

  • Saving a project larger than 10GB produces a pop-up to inform it may take a long time and gives the opportunity to cancel.


  • Algorithm progress bar now shows correct units for time remaining.
  • Sample Transmission Calculator no longer has the option to change the Y-axis of the plot to logarithmic.
  • Sample Transmission Calculator no longer accepts negative wavelength values.
  • Fixes an issue where the * to indicate an invalid property would appear in the wrong place in the Load dialog.
  • Fixes an issue where the Load dialog would not resize correctly after clicking Run.
  • Useless Help [?] buttons removed from multiple dialogs.
  • Dragging and dropping workspaces onto the Spectrum Viewer no longer causes a crash.
  • Fixes an issue where opening any help menu after previously opening the help menu in the Manage User Directories window would crash MantidPlot.

Release 4.2.0