Processing math: 0%


Indirect Geometry Changes


  • Instrument definition is improved for IN16B to have the physical detector on the correct side of the beam axis, and different analyser focus for single detectors.
  • Able to choose a list of spectra for plotting for all Indirect Interfaces. For example, under Data Analysis>Elwin, entering 0-2,4,6-8 and clicking Plot Spectra will plot the workspace indices 0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 and 8. The same can be done for Plot Tiled on the Iqt tab. It is also possible to produce a contour plot using Plot Contour on the Diffraction Interface.
  • Intial parameters now estimated when user adds an expononential function in I(Q,t) Fit.
  • The Plotting Options have also been made more consistent across the interface.
The Indirect Data Analysis GUI in the Workbench.


  • The Indirect Bayes GUI has been added to the Workbench.
  • * The Indirect Data Analysis GUI has been added to the Workbench *


Simulations Interface

  • Improved the format of Abins HDF5 files to include readable set of advanced parameters. Values in the AbinsParameters module have been re-organised into a logical heirarchy; user scripts may need to be modified to match this.


  • A bug has been fixed in MatchPeaks which was causing wrong alignment in IndirectILLReductionQENS with unmirror option 7, when the peaks in the alignment run are too narrow to be fitted.
  • Fixed a bug where mantid could crash when using the S(Q,w) tab with a workspace created by the Energy Transfer Tab.

* See associated Image *

Release 4.2.0