Processing math: 100%

Framework Changes



  • The macOS bundle now requires macOS High Sierra (10.13) as a minimum.
  • The Ubuntu bundle requires Ubuntu 18.04.
  • Although this release may continue to work on Windows 7/8, this will not have been verified or tested by the development team on anything earlier than Windows 10.



  • SaveNexusESS to save data and nexus geometry to a single processed file.
  • LoadNGEM added as a loader for the .edb files generated by the nGEM detector used for diagnostics. Generates an event workspace.
  • CalculatePlaczekSelfScattering will calculate the Placzek correction from an incident spectrum as generated by FitIncidentSpectrum.
  • FitIncidentSpectrum will fit a curve to an incident spectrum returning the curve and it’s first derivative.

Instrument Definition Files

  • Mantid is now resilient to corrupted Facilities.xml files, which could sometimes happen occasionally while downloading an updated file. If Mantid finds a corrupt file it will now fall back to the originally installed file, and the corrupted one should be re-downloaded.
  • A definition file for the NEAT instrument at HZB as been added along with an entry in the facilities file.
  • The PEARL IDF has been updated with corrections to the instrument flight path and monitor distances.

Data Objects



  • Whitespace is now ignored anywhere in the string when setting the Filename parameter in Load.
  • Added options to SaveMD to allow selection of what will be saved. For MDHistoWorkspace only.
  • SetGoniometer will now work on all workspaces not just Workspace2D.
  • Version upgrade LoadNexusProcessed to allow loading of both existing Mantid format Processed Nexus files and those produced via SaveNexusESS.
  • A new Poisson cost function has been added to CalculateCostFunction.
  • In SaveAscii it is now possible to save out also the values of the spectrum axis.
  • IndexPeaks now has options to enter modulation vectors and additional information required for satellite peak indexing. As a result IndexPeaksWithSatellites has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
  • MaskAngle has an additional option of Angle='InPlane'
  • The valiation in SaveAscii has been improved to only accept MatrixWorkspaces.
  • The custom dialog for CreateSampleShape has been removed. It will now fall back to the generic one.
  • A bug in the conversion to Q3D and ModQ for indirect spectrometers at high Q in ConvertToMD has been fixed.

Live Data

  • Streaming of json geometry has been added to the KafkaLiveListener. User configuration is not required for this. The streamer automatically picks up the geometry as a part of the run information and constructs the in-memory geometry without the need for an IDF.


  • IPython widget command executor has been updated to cope with changes to IPython >= 7.1


Bug Fixes

  • LoadNexusMonitors bug fix for user provided top-level NXentry name.
  • LoadInstrument correctly handles IDF files which use all lowercase naming.
  • Fix LoadMD handling for when parameter map is missing

Release 4.2.0