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We are proud to announce version 5.1.0 of Mantid.
MantidWorkbench is replacing MantidPlot. While MantidPlot is still fully functional for this release, MantidPlot will not be included in future releases.
Sliceviewer has been majorly updated this release, with advanced features for peak finding in Single Crystal Diffraction data. On top of this, taking slices of data is now possible and there is an interactive data table last seen in the Spectrum Viewer in MantidPlot. Workbench now also supports 3D and Advanced plotting!
Check out the brand new DrILL interface for Workbench, that currently supports SANS and Reflectometry at ILL. There have also been many upgrades to our existing interfaces, such as providing background subtraction for ISIS Reflectometry and significant speed up for the Muon and Indirect interfaces.
These are just some of the many improvements in this release, so please take a look at the release notes, which are filled with details of the important changes and improvements in many areas. The development team has put a great effort into making all of these improvements within Mantid, and we would like to thank all of our beta testers for their time and effort helping us to make this another reliable version of Mantid.
Throughout the Mantid project we put a lot of effort into ensuring Mantid is a robust and reliable product. Thank you to everyone that has reported any issues to us. Please keep on reporting any problems you have, or crashes that occur on our forum.
Installation packages can be found on our download page which now links to sourceforge to mirror our download files around the world. You can also access the source code on GitHub release page.
Please cite any usage of Mantid as follows:
For a full list of all issues addressed during this release please see the GitHub milestone.