Processing math: 0%


Diffraction Changes

Powder Diffraction

New features

  • New algorithm to clip peaks, providing a background estimation ClipPeaks.


  • Various improvements have been made to Polaris.create_total_scattering_pdf: - The output workspace names now include run numbers. - Control of the output binning is no longer controlled by the parameter output_binning, instead delta_r should be used. - The Q space workspace can be rebinned before calculating the PDF by being given an input delta_q. - Running Polaris.create_total_scattering_pdf with debug=true will preserve the self_scattering_correction workspace. - The Lorch filter is no longer enabled by default and must be enabled with the lorch_filter parameter.
  • The LoadWAND algorithm now adds duration log to the workspace.
  • The PDFFourierTransform algorithm has been updated to allow for the algorithm to be run on a PDF to obtain a spectrum density function.
  • SampleDetails.set_materials now differentiates between sample density and crystal density for converting between pdf types.
  • The CalculatePlaczekSelfScattering algorithm now accepts The crystallographic density of the sample to correct for the powder density.
  • Square beam profile of 5mm x 5mm added to the PEARL_Definition_new_lowangle instrument definition file.


  • The Fourier filter on Polaris.create_total_scattering_pdf no longer produces a jagged mark at the filter limit value.
  • The fourier filter on Polaris.create_total_scattering_pdf no longer produces a jagged mark at the cut off point.
  • Calling IndexPeaks with default modulation vectors (0,0,0) and SaveModulationInfo=True will no longer result in segmentation fault.

Engineering Diffraction


New features

  • EnggEstimateFocussedBackground is a new algorithm for estimating background of powder spectra using iterative smoothing.
  • The fitting tab of Engineering Diffraction UI now functions with standard Mantid fitting capability, but with a simplified browser.
  • Loading focussed runs into the fitting tab now creates a group of table workspaces containing the proton charge weighted average and standard deviation of select log values (set in the settings).


  • TOPAS files (.abc) have replaced the .dat files generated when focusing using the GUI.
  • Focusing with the GUI will now generate a CSV containing the averaged values of all numerical sample logs.
  • The currently loaded calibration is now shown at the bottom of the GUI.
  • The location of the saved output files from the GUI is now shown in the messages log.
  • The save directory is now displayed in the status bar of the GUI.
  • The Inspect Background button of the Fitting tab is now only enabled when the selected run has had a background subtraction.


  • The Engineering diffraction gui no longer goes behind the workbench window when a plot is clicked on.
  • A focused run cannot be loaded with the same x unit more than once
  • Calling IndexPeaks with default modulation vectors (0,0,0) and SaveModulationInfo=True will no longer result in segmentation fault.

Single Crystal Diffraction


  • The CombinePeaksWorkspaces algorithm now combines the modulation vectors present in the two workspaces, provided the total number of vectors is less than 3.
  • FindGoniometerFromUB is a new algorithm for making UBs for runs at different goniometer angles share common indexing, and determine the goniometer axis and rotation required to match UBs to a reference.
  • New instrument geometry for MaNDi instrument at SNS
  • AddAbsorptionWeightedPathLengths is a new algorithm for calculating the absorption weighted path length for each peak in a peaks workspace.
  • H,K,L can now be edited in the table of a peaks workspace in workbench (now consistent with Mantid Plot)
  • The peaks workspace table display now contains a column showing the value of the intensity/sigma for each peak.
  • SliceViewer can now correctly display non-orthogonal axes for output of the MDNorm algorithm.
  • Ellipsoid integration now supported in IntegratePeaksMD with option to fix orientation of ellipsoid to have one axis parallel to Q of peak.

Release 5.1.0