Direct Inelastic Changes¶
Added the ability to manually specify a temperature for a set of runs in the TOFTOF reduction dialog.
PyChop has been updated to calculate rep-rate multiplication for MAPS and MARI. In addition, it now supports loading instrument parameters from a YAML file, and also plots the Q-E coverage.
Workspaces used in MSlice are no longer added to the MantidPlot window automatically, and can be added using the
Save To MantidPlot
button.Improved default limits for 2D plots of large datasets in MSlice.
The EPPWorkspace input property has been removed from DirectILLCollectData.
- DirectILLDiagnostics:
- it is now possible to set the thresholds for elastic peak and noisy background diagnostics in the IPFs
ILL’s IN6 now sets its own default
a hard mask is applied over the beamstop region of IN5
user masked detectors are not included in the report anymore
- DirectILLReduction:
all output workspaces are now converted to distributions, i.e. the histograms are divided by the bin width.
The default
binning has been revised.
Fixed a crash in SofQW, SofQWCentre, SofQWNormalisedPolygon and SofQWPolygon algorithms when they were supplied with energy or
binning params containing the bin width only.Fixed a failure in the wavelength interpolation of MonteCarloAbsorption which occurred under certain input property combinations.
TOFTOFMergeRuns is deprecated in favour of MergeRuns.
Instrument Definitions¶
The source component of ILL’s IN5 has been moved from
to meters and renamed toframe-overlap_chopper
.The source component of ILL’s IN6 has been moved from
to meters and renamed tosuppressor_chopper
.ILL’s IN4 and IN6 now validate the wavelengths and chopper speeds in MergeRuns.
New CNCS geometry and parameters for 2018B cycle
ARCS and CNCS are configured for live data
The plotting methods in the directtools python module now support logarithmic scales.