Indirect Inelastic Changes¶
Data Reduction Interfaces¶
Added ‘Sum Files’ checkbox to ISIS Calibration, to sum a specified range of input files on load.
Detector grouping in ISISEnergyTransfer: added custom grouping method to allow specific spectra or ranges, and the ‘groups’ method now includes all spectra including remainder.
QENSFitSequential v1 can be used to perform a general QENS sequential fit, in addition providing the functionality to fit across multiple datasets.
QENSFitSimultaneous v1 can be used to perform a general QENS simultaneous fit, including across multiple datasets.
ConvolutionFitSimultaneous v1 can be used to perform a QENS simultaneous fit over a convoluted model.
IqtFitSimultaneous v1 can be used to perform a QENS simultaneous fit over I(Q,t) data.
ConvolutionFitSequential v1 and IqtFitSequential v1 can now accept multiple datasets as input, in the same format as that of PlotPeakByLogValue v1.
IndirectILLEnergyTransfer v1 was fixed to have the correct sign for the energy transfer.
TransformToIqt v1 now calculates errors using a monte carlo method, and can take a number of iterations as input.
Data Analysis Interfaces¶

The ConvFit interface with the new multiple input section.¶
The MSDFit, IqtFit and ConvFit interfaces now allow selection of discontinuous spectra ranges and masking energy ranges.
The JumpFit interface now allows masking of energy ranges.
The QENS Fitting interfaces can now be provided multiple data-sets as input – these data-sets can be viewed individually within the interface (plot, fit result, etc.)
A number of iterations for the new monte carlo error calculation can be specified in the I(Q,t) interface.
The MSDFit algorithm now uses the fully specified model given in the interface; previously MSDFit only used the model specified in the ‘Fit Type’ drop-down menu.
Fixed a failure in the wavelength interpolation of MonteCarloAbsorption which occurred under certain input property combinations.
The ElasticWindowMultiple algorithm now normalizes the *_elt workspace by the lowest temperature.