Python in Mantid: Exercise 3¶
A - Direct Matplotlib with SNS Data¶
Load the processed CNCS data file Training_Exercise3a_SNS.nxs
Directly using MPL (eg. axes.plot() ), plot the first 5 spectra
Optionally set labels and colors for each spectrum
Again directly in MPL, plot the final spectrum with errorbars
Optionally, set a capsize > 0, and choose a color and label
Rescale x-axis limits to -1.5 < x < 1.8
Change the y-axis to have a log scale
Give the plot a title, legend and don’t forget to show the plot
B - plotSpectrum with ISIS Data¶
Load the GEM data set - GEM40979.raw using SpectrumMin=431 & SpectrumMax=750
Convert units to dSpacing
Smooth the data using SmoothData v1 using NPoints=20
Using plotSpectrum(), plot workspace indices 0,1,2
Set the x-axis limits to 4 < x < 6
Set the y-axis limits to 0 < y < 5e3
Again using plotSpectrum(), plot workspace index 5 on the same plot window
Change the label of the Y axis
Give the plot a legend with labels for each curve
Give the plot a title
C - 2D and 3D Plot ILL Data¶
Load the file 164198.nxs
ExtractSpectra v1 using X range 470-490 and WorkspaceIndex range 199-209. Use this region of interest for plotting.
Produce a figure and axes for subplots with ncols=2, nrows=1, using the mantid projection and also set the figsize = (6,4)
Produce a 2D colorfill plot, using the imshow method, on both subplots (indexed as axes[0] and axes[1])
For both set the colormap to jet and aspect=’auto’
Overlay contour lines on the second subplot (axes[1]), colored white and with alpha = 0.5
Set the title to ‘Colorfill’ for axes[0] and ‘Contour’ for axes[1]
Add a colorbar to this figure
Set the colorbar label to ‘Counts ($mu s$)$^{-1}$’
Get another figure and axes for subplots with ncols=2, nrows=1, using the mantid3d projection and also set figsize = (8,3)
Add a Surface and Wireframe plot to the subplot axes respectively (indexed as axes[0] and axes[1])
Set the colormap for the surface plot to ‘summer’ and the color for the wireframe to ‘darkmagenta’
Set the title for each subplot as ‘Surface’ and ‘Wireframe’
Remember to show the plots