

This is a Python binding to the C++ class Mantid::API::MultipleFileProperty.

Multiple file loading allows users to specify lists / ranges of files to load (and optionally sum together) into Mantid.

This functionality is offered via the Filename property of Load v1, and so is available by calling the algorithm or by using the LoadDialog window in the usual way. IntArrayProperty accepts similar syntax for specifying ranges.



The syntax for multi file loading involves the use of several context-sensitive operators. Here is a run-down of those operators in order of descending precedence with some simple examples:





Example Input

Example Result


Added Range


Used to specify a range of runs that are to be loaded and then summed together


Load and sum runs 1, 2, 3 and 4

Stepped Added Range


Used to specify a ‘’stepped’’ range of runs that are to be loaded and then summed together


Load and sum runs 1, 3 and 5



Used to specify a range of runs to load. Cannot be summed


Load runs 1, 2, 3 and 4

Stepped Range


Used to specify a ‘’stepped’’ range of runs to load. Cannot be summed


Load runs 1, 3 and 5




Used to specify which runs or added ranges are to be loaded and then summed together


Load and sum runs 1, 2 and 3




Used to list runs, ranges or sums


Load runs 1, 2 and 3

Optional Info

Some information relating to the files can be left out, and the algorithm will attempt to fill in the details:

  • Directory - Note that in the examples table above, the directory of the files have not been provided. In cases such as this, standard Mantid behaviour is observed and the files will be loaded as long as they exist in the folders specified in your user directories list.

  • Instrument - If the instrument is not specified then runs from your chosen default instrument will be loaded.

  • File Extension - If the file extension is not specified, then Mantid will look for runs amongst the files with the standard extensions (.raw, .nxs, etc). Note: Since Load does not currently support multiple loaders at the same time (see Limitations) if you specify multiple runs without an extension, then Mantid will use the first resolved extension for the remaining files. If some files have a specified extension but others don’t, then the first extension that has been specified will be used for all files without a given extension.

  • Zero Padding - There is some leeway regarding the number of zeroes expected in the run numbers for each instrument. If you are trying to load the file INST000001.ext, then INST1.ext is an acceptable input.


The basic syntax outlined above can be combined in a variety of ways:

# Loads the Raw files 1, 2, 3, and 4 for TOSCA, but sums together runs 3 and 4.
Load(Filename='TSC1,2,3+4.raw', OutputWorkspace='Files')

# Loads the Raw files 1, 2 and 3 for TOSCA and 4, 5 and 6 for IRIS.
# The IRIS runs are added together.
Load(Filename='TSC1:3.raw,IRS4-6.raw', OutputWorkspace='Files')

# For TOSCA, adds together run 1 (found in c:/files/) and run 2 (found in c:/store/).
Load(Filename='c:/files/TSC1.raw+c:/store/TSC2.raw', OutputWorkspace='Files')

# For TOSCA, adds together runs 1, 4, 5 and 6.
Load(Filename='TSC1+4-5.raw', OutputWorkspace='Files')

# For IRIS, adds together runs 1, 2, 3, 7, 8 and 9.
Load(Filename='IRS1-3+7-9.raw', OutputWorkspace='Files')

Load Dialog

When you load a range of files from the Load Dialog and then reopen the dialog, the files that were loaded previously will now appear in a comma and plus separated list of fully resolved filenames.


  • Currently, Load can only handle multiple files using a single loader at a time. For example, loading a NeXuS file and a Raw file at the same time is not possible.

  • It is not possible to plus together Ranges, or Stepped Ranges. (Added Ranges and Stepped Added Ranges may be plussed however.)

  • Files that are loaded along with other files will end up with the same algorithm history. Generating a Python script for any of the workspaces, and then rerunning it will result in all the workspaces being loaded.

  • The syntax for the different kind of ranges can only be used between run numbers, and not between fully or partially resolved files. For example, TSC1.raw-TSC3.raw is not allowed; use TSC1-3.raw instead.

  • For the ILL data, since the file names (numors) do not contain instrument prefixes, multiple file loading will work only if the default facility and instrument are set correspondingly. In MantidWorkbench this can be achieved from the Help->About dialog.

Detailed API Documentation

bases: mantid.api.VectorVectorStringPropertyWithValue

class mantid.api.MultipleFileProperty
EMPTY_DBL = 8.988465674311579e+307
EMPTY_INT = 2147483647
EMPTY_LONG = 9223372036854775807
property allowedValues

A list of allowed values

property direction

Input, Output, InOut or Unknown. See the Direction class

property documentation

The property’s doc string

dtype((VectorVectorStringPropertyWithValue)self) str
getAutoTrim((Property)arg1) bool :

Gets the setting of automatic trimming of whitespaces.

property getDefault

Get the default value as a string

property getGroup

Return the ‘group’ of the property, that is, the header in the algorithm’s list of properties.

property isDefault

Is the property set at the default value

property isValid

An empty string if the property is valid, otherwise it contains an error message.

property name

The name of the property

setAutoTrim((Property)arg1, (bool)setting) None :

Setting automatic trimming of whitespaces.

setDisableReplaceWSButton((Property)arg1, (bool)disable) None :

Disable the creation of the Replace Workspace button.

setDocumentation((Property)arg1, (str)doc) None :

Setting documentation for property

property settings

Return the object managing this property’s settings

property type

Returns a string identifier for the type

property units

The units attached to this property

property unitsAsBytes

The units attached to this property as a encoded bytes object. It is assumed the caller knows the correct endcoding used.

property value
valueAsPrettyStr((Property)arg1[, (int)maxLength=0[, (bool)collapseLists=True]]) str :

The value of the property as a formatted string. If maxLength is defined then the output may not contain the full contents of the property. The maxLength and collapseLists arguments do not work for all property types

property valueAsStr

The value of the property as a string. For some property types, e.g. Workspaces, it is useful to be able to refer to the string value directly

Category: Concepts