This is a Python binding to the C++ class Mantid::Geometry::DetectorGroup.
bases: mantid.geometry.IDetector
- class mantid.geometry.DetectorGroup¶
- getDetectorIDs((DetectorGroup)self) std_vector_int : ¶
Returns the list of detector IDs within this group
- getDistance((IComponent)self, (IComponent)other) float : ¶
Returns the distance, in metres, between this and the given component
- getFullName((IComponent)self) str : ¶
Returns full path name of component
- getID((IDetector)self) int : ¶
Returns the detector ID
- getName((IComponent)self) str : ¶
Returns the name of the component
- getNameSeparator((DetectorGroup)self) str : ¶
Returns separator for list of names of detectors
- getPhi((IDetector)self) float : ¶
Returns the azimuthal angle of this detector
- getPos((IComponent)self) V3D : ¶
Returns the absolute position of the component
- getRelativeRot((IComponent)self) Quat : ¶
Returns the relative rotation as a Quat
- getTwoTheta((IDetector)self, (V3D)observer, (V3D)axis) float : ¶
Calculate the angle between this detector, another component and an axis
- isMasked((DetectorGroup)self) bool : ¶
Returns the value of the masked flag. True means ignore this detector
- isMonitor((DetectorGroup)self) bool : ¶
Returns True if the detector is marked as a monitor in the IDF
- shape((IObjComponent)self) IObject : ¶
Get the object that represents the physical shape of this component
- solidAngle((IDetector)self, (object)observer) float : ¶
Return the solid angle in steradians between this detector and an observer
- type((IComponent)self) str : ¶
Returns the type of the component represented as a string