Indirect Inelastic Changes¶
New features¶
IndirectNormSpectra algorithm is designed to normalise all spectra in a MatrixWorkspace so that the maximum value for any spectra is 1.
IqtFitSequential algorithm has been added to sequential Iqt Fit data. This algorithm will be mainly used in the IqtFit interface.
Data Analysis¶
Jump Fit¶
The interface now has the option to plot a guess of what the fit will look like before running the algorithm.
The Plot button is no longer present in the interface as it is no longer used.
OSIRIS Diffraction DiffOnly interface and the OSIRISDiffractionReduction algorithm now support the use of multiple contianer runs. Additional validation also ensures you have the same number of sample/vanadium/container runs.
- The following Mantid algorithms used for Vesuvio have been added:
The script used to process data for Vesuvio has also been added. This used to be called
, but is now
.- The following Vesuvio specific algorithms have been updated to have their name prefixed by Vesuvio:
VesuvioCalculateGammaBackground previously
VesuvioCalculateMS previously
VesuvioDiffractionReduction previously
LoadVesuvio now has the option to load the monitor data in addition to its normal operation. This is loaded as an additional separate workspace.
Added a fit function to fit a multivariate Gaussian profile (MultivariateGaussianComptonProfile)
Added VesuvioThickness algorithm to calclulate the sample density
- IqtFitMultiple (previously the function
in has been adapted to be a Mantid algorithm. This has not effected the way this script is used in the Indirect Data Analysis: I(Q,t) Fit tab, but it does now have a dialogue box interface from the algorithm list. This also allows for better testing, progress tracking and documentation of the algorithm.
- IqtFitMultiple (previously the function
BASISReduction now accepts Vanadium runs for normalization, and one option to normalize by the maximum of the first spectrum.
- QECoverage planning tool has now been updated, There is now an Emin option included for direct tab,
If Emin or Emax are left empty; appropriate values are set automatically, the negative values of Ei are treated as positive, appropriate informative pop-up messages displayed for invalid values and minor calculations updates.
- The file OSIRIS_GSS_Parameters.prm which describes OSIRIS in the .prm, format has been added to the instrument directory. This file can
be used together with .gss files from OSIRIS diffraction.
OSIRISDiffractionReduction has an additional DRange added for conversion from time regime.
Updated the SimulatedDensityOfStates workflow diagram to show an overview of the algorithm.
the Iqt interface now validates that EMin is strictly less than EMax and that they are both not equal to 0
BayesQuasi no longer crashes if the you supply data with trailing or leading zeros
ISISIndirectEnergyTransfer only corrects for detailed balance when one is actually specified as input.
SimulatedDensityOfStates should no longer manipulate the actual data values and only rebins the data to the desired bin width.
VesuvioCorrections no longer always fits using only the first spectrum in the input workspace.
Fix bug with :ref: BayesQuasi <algm-BayesQuasi> docs not displaying online
BayesStretched interface now gives the option of using the current working directory if no default save path is provided.
The mini plot range bars in all interfaces now automatically update when a file is loaded.
In the I(Q, t) Fit interface, checking the plot guess check box now correctly adds and removes the curve from the plot
In the BayesQuasi interface ResNorm files are now automatically loaded from file locations when entered.
LoadVesuvio now correctly parses input in the form 10-20,30-40,50-60
The ApplyPaalmanPings interface no longer crashes when attempting to preview different spectra when shift option is checked but the algorithm has not been run
The ContainerSubtraction Interface should no longer crash when changing preview spectra in the miniplot
Using the Spectra option in S(Q,w) interface now works correctly
IqtFitSequential and IqtFitMultiple now correctly add sample logs to their output workspaces
It is now possible to properly update the Rebinning option in the ISISCalibration interface in Indirect Data Reduction
The Plot Output options in the I(Q, t) Fit interface now update properly when switching between Fit Types
The Data Reduction ISIS Calibration interface should now update the range bars correctly for OSIRIS