
Reflectometry Changes

New Features

  • New algorithm PolarizationEfficienciesWildes v1 has been added for calculating the efficiencies of the polarizing components of an instrument with two flippers. This algorithm implements the approach from the A. R. Wildes 2006 paper.


  • When on IDAaaS, only runs that are available in the ISIS Instrument Data Cache will appear in the Search Runs section of the Runs tab when the Search Data Archive setting is set to Off.

  • Fix a bug where ReflectometryReductionOneLiveData v1 was not applying polarization corrections because it did not handle WorkspaceGroup inputs correctly.

  • The orsopy library has been updated to version 1.2.1. This pulls in a bug fix where multi-dataset reduced reflectivity .ort files with different column headers for different datasets would use only the headers for the first dataset throughout the file.

  • Fix an issue that prevented the StitchIDMany algorithm from running successfully via the GUI.

Release 6.11.0