Indirect Geometry Changes

New Features

  • When loading resolution data containing NAN values into Data Analysis they will be replaced with zeros and a warning displayed to the user.

  • Added the quasielasticbayes package to the Linux standalone tarball.


  • The data analysis GUI will no longer crash when using plot guess if the sample data contains NANs.

  • Fix bug when choosing the EISFDiffSphereAlkyl algorithm in the F(Q) fit tab of the Indirect - Data Analysis window.


New features


  • Abins now delegates parsing of CASTEP .phonon files to the Euphonic library. This gives more robust handling of data files containing Gamma-points with LO-TO splitting; the legacy parser skips past other q-points to find these points, leading to an unpredictable loss of information. Whereas the previous parser favours points with LO-TO splitting, this implementation instead favours non-split points where available; these should give better statistics. Note that very problematic .phonon files which were losing data away from Gamma are rare; typically CASTEP will include the Gamma points at the top, as assumed by the current behaviour.

  • The Abins GAUSSIAN parser now reads “Standard Orientation” positions. This does not affect results but prevents errors when “Input Orientation” data is missing from the .log file.

  • Support vasprun.xml files from Vasp 6 in Abins/Abins2D. The data units have changed since Vasp 5 from atomic units to THz; this format is now detected and an appropriate frequency conversion factor is used.

  • Fixed a bin edge error and exception raised when performing an elastic reduction for a single scan with (ElasticEMUauReduction).

Release 6.8.0