
Using Mantid Algorithms

Any of the defined algorithms in Mantid, this includes other extensions, can be used as part of your new algorithm. To call an algorithm simply use the standard syntax for calling algorithms in Mantid, i.e. the algorithm name followed by the arguments.

A good example might be wanting to load a file, as Load is a very flexible algorithm:

from mantid.kernel import *
from mantid.api import *

class LoadAndDoSomething(PythonAlgorithm):

    def PyInit(self):
        self.declareProperty(FileProperty("Filename", "",
        # ... other stuff

    def PyExec(self):
        from mantid.simpleapi import Load, Scale, DeleteWorkspace

        _tmpws = Load(Filename=self.getPropertyValue("Filename"))
        _tmpws = Scale(InputWorkspace=_tmpws, Factor=100)

        # Sets reference externally and sets the name to that
        # given by the OutputWorkspace property
        self.setProperty("OutputWorkspace", _tmpws)

        # Removes temporary reference created here
        # (doesn't delete workspace)

The algorithm defines a single output workspace property called OutputWorkspace. This property needs to be linked to the produced output of the algorithm, which is done using self.setProperty.

You’ve probably noticed we import the algorithms you will be using in PyExec instead of at the top of this file. Whilst this is a contradiction of PEP8 it allows us to import the various algorithms we need when the algorithm is run instead of when Mantid is loaded.