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PearlMCAbsorption v1


PearlMCAbsorption dialog.


Loads pre-calculated or measured absorption correction files for Pearl.


Name Direction Type Default Description
Filename Input string Mandatory The name of the input file. Allowed extensions: [‘.out’, ‘.dat’]
OutputWorkspace Output MatrixWorkspace Mandatory The name of the input file.


Loads an existing file of pre-calculated or measured absorption coefficients for the PEARL instrument.

If the file contains “t=” on the first line then the number following this is assumed to be the thickness in mm. The values in the second column are assumed to be \alpha(t). Upon reading the file the \alpha values for transformed into attenuation coefficients via \frac{I}{I_0} = exp(-\alpha * t).

If the file does not contain “t=” on the top line then the values are assumed to be calculated \frac{I}{I_0} values and are simply read in verbatim.

Categories: AlgorithmIndex | CorrectionFunctions\AbsorptionCorrections