Indirect Inelastic Changes
- Cumulative Angle-Averaged Data (sum of fits normalised by their integral) can be calculated and produced as output by setting the calculate_caad flag to True.
- A pre-loaded runs workspace can now be passed to the fit_tof VESUVIO routine, which will skip the loading subroutine, given this input.
- Loading the sample log files into a workspace can be disabled within a Vesuvio Driver Script, by setting the load_log_files flag to False.
- Previously, running a script which only applied a single correction (e.g. container subtraction), would produce an error f0.Scaling, this has now been fixed.
- ConvFit, IqtFit, MSDFit and JumpFit now have a second mini-plot for the difference. The sample and calculated fit are found in the top mini-plot, the difference is found in the bottom mini-plot.
- The function browser in each of the Fitting tabs (ConvFit, IqtFit, MSDFit, JumpFit) has been replaced with a new IndirectFitPropertyBrowser widget (which can be separated and embedded into the fit interfaces).
- The IndirectFitPropertyBrowser widget provides the following additional functionality to the Indirect Fit Interfaces (MSDFit, IqtFit, ConvFit, JumpFit):
- Ties can now be used to tie parameters between all functions and custom ties (involving mathematical expressions) are now available.
- It is now possible to add constraints to parameters.
- Any additional functions can be added from the library of available MANTID functions by right-clicking on Functions in the browser and selecting Add Function.
- Function setups can now be saved and re-loaded (Custom Setups) from the Setup menu.
- Functions can be copied and loaded from the clipboard.
- Right-clicking on any function in the browser and selecting Help will open a window containing the documentation for that function.
- The guess can be plot in a separate window from the interface (automatically updates as the fit model is changed), accessible through the Display menu.
- The Plot Guess Feature in the ConvFit Interface is now enabled for the diffusion functions.
- The Plot Guess Feature in the MSDFit Interface is now implemented for the three models introduced in release v3.11 (MsdGauss, MsdPeters and MsdYi).
- The ExtractMembers option in the ConvFit Interface will now function correctly for diffusion functions.
- The ExtractMembers option is now available in the IqtFit interface.
- The parameter ties created by the Constrain Intensities option in the IqtFit interface, are now shown in the function browser.
- ‘Plot Current Preview’ plots input if a fit has yet to be calculated and is disabled if no input workspace has been provided.
- The X-Limits for all of the Indirect Data Analysis interfaces are now correctly updated when data is loaded.
- In the IqtFit interface, the AO parameter now defaults to 0.
- The mini preview plot now updates correctly in the Indirect Data Analysis interfaces, when the fit function is changed; when changed to a function that wasn’t used in the most recent fit, will plot only the sample, else will plot the sample, fit and difference.
- Plotting individual parameters of the fit in the interface (Plot Options), will no longer produce an error in the ConvFit interface, when plotting FWHM.
- Entering bad values for ELow/EHigh on the Iqt interface no longer produces an unhandled exception error.
- Manual D-Range option removed from the indirect diffraction reduction interface; D-Ranges are now automatically calculated for sample, container and vanadium runs.
- The Apply Paalman Pings interface has been renamed to Apply Absorption Correction.
- The Apply Absorption Correction interface no longer requires workspaces to be in units of wavelength (this is done within ApplyPaalmanPingsCorrection v1).
- Calculate Monte Carlo Absorption interface has been restructured in a more appropriate format, as outlined in the following image:
- Result plotting in the Calculate Monte Carlo Absorption interface is now the same as that in Apply Absorption Correction; ability to select whether to plot result in Wavelength, Angle or Both.
- In the Calculate Paalman Pings tab of the Indirect Correction interface the container back thickness is now set correctly.
- Fixed an issue where the Plot Current Preview option in the Container Subtraction and Apply Paalman Pings interfaces would not plot the transformed container or result.
- Fixed the inconsistent naming styles of the Calculate Paalman Pings and Calculate Monte Carlo Absorption interfaces.
- Performance of Abins rebinning routines significantly improved (a factor of 10-20 times for data size of 4000).