
Reflectometry Changes

New Features


  • Changed the error message when the Polarization Corrections are set using a Parameter File without the necessary settings defined. The error now explains the required information is missing.

  • The child workspaces of a stitched group now have shorter names with a simple suffix.

  • It is now possible to use True and False in algorithm option inputs (such as the Options cells on the Run tab or the Output Stitch Properties on the Experiment Settings tab) rather than needing to use 1 and 0.

  • The Preview tab now shows the binned output of the reduction on the 1D plot.

  • The Reduction Preview tab now correctly uses the values from the Experiment Settings tab tab in the final reduction.

  • Fixed two minor issues in ReflectometryILLPreprocess v1 blocking normalisation to monitor for D17, and normalisation for both Figaro and D17.

  • LoadILLReflectometry v1 can load cycle 231 Figaro data by updating the metadata location of the chopper pair to sample distance.

  • Fixed the labelling of the workspaces output by PolarizationCorrectionWildes v1 which were being inverted, while ensuring the output workspace group order continues to match the documentation.

  • Move the sum banks step from ReflectometryISISLoadAndProcess v1 to ReflectometryReductionOneAuto v3 so that it takes place after flood correction. Also only perform the summing step when a detector ID region has been set.

  • The Signal, Transmission, and Background ROI selectors on the Preview tab have been made more visible.


Release 6.7.0