SANS Changes

New Features

  • Minimum and maximum thresholds for calculated efficiency are now exposed to the users of SANSILLReduction algorithms (version 1 and 2), as well as the higher-level algorithms calling them: SANSILLAutoProcess, SANSILLMultiProcess, and SANSILLParameterScan. This avoids the issue of calculated efficiency surpassing the default limit (0 and 2, respectively) and being set to infinity.

  • D16B now has two monitors in the scanned variables, instead of one. Searching for monitor indices in the scanned variables table is performed for each file in LoadILLSANS.

  • SANSILLReduction can now process empty container data coming from a scan measurement.


  • SANSILLParameterScan can now perform container and absorber corrections and communicates correctly with the underlying SANSILLReduction algorithm.

  • Fixed a bug where the Save File input on the Sum Runs tab in the ISIS SANS GUI would stop auto-populating if you simply clicked the input or pressed enter without making any text changes.

Release 6.7.0