Indirect Inelastic Changes
Release 3.13.0
- Added ‘Sum Files’ checkbox to ISIS Calibration, to sum a specified range of input files on load.
- Detector grouping in ISISEnergyTransfer: added custom grouping method to allow specific spectra or ranges, and
the ‘groups’ method now includes all spectra including remainder.
- The MSDFit, IqtFit and ConvFit interfaces now allow selection of discontinuous spectra ranges and masking energy
- The JumpFit interface now allows masking of energy ranges.
- The QENS Fitting interfaces can now be provided multiple data-sets as input – these data-sets can be viewed
individually within the interface (plot, fit result, etc.)
- A number of iterations for the new monte carlo error calculation can be specified in the I(Q,t) interface.
- The MSDFit algorithm now uses the fully specified model given in the interface; previously MSDFit only used the
model specified in the ‘Fit Type’ drop-down menu.
- Fixed a failure in the wavelength interpolation of MonteCarloAbsorption which occurred under certain input property combinations.
- The ElasticWindowMultiple algorithm now normalizes the *_elt workspace by the lowest temperature.