
Diffraction Changes

Powder Diffraction

New features

  • AlignAndFocusPowder has been modified to utilize the new binning parameters added to DiffractionFocussing.

  • The ability to define the output binning of each spectra has been added to DiffractionFocussing.

  • Move pystog from v0.2.7 to v0.5.0 which supports numpy v2

  • New container type added in for POWGEN instrument and accordingly the SNSPowderReduction interface has been updated to accommodate this new container type.

  • New focus mode “trans_custom” added to PEARL powder routine which allows a user to specify modules to include in the transverse bank focusing using the parameter trans_mod_nums. The module numbers in the range 1-9 can be specified using the same string syntax as run-numbers - e.g. trans_mod_nums=”1-3,5” corresponds to focusing modules 1,2,3 and 5.


Engineering Diffraction

New features


Single Crystal Diffraction

New features

  • Add option SeparateBatchNumbers to SaveReflections to write a different batch number/scale factor ID for each run.

  • Small usability improvements to ISIS Single Crystal Diffraction Reduction Classes:

    • Allow users to pass key-word arguments to methods save_peak_table and save_all_peaks (passed to SaveReflections)

    • Make saving of .nxs file of peak tables in above methods optional using argument save_nxs (default is True)

    • Check UB filepath exists in method load_isaw_ub

    • Added option to set min I/Sigma min_intens_over_Sigma in method remove_non_integrated_peaks (default is 0)


Release 6.12.0