Mantid Workbench Changes

New features

  • Table workspaces can now have read-only columns added to them (ws.addReadOnlyColumn(<TYPE>, <NAME>)). Existing columns can also be set to be read-only (ws.setColumnReadOnly(<INDEX>, <TRUE/FALSE>)).

  • The Error Reporter can now remember and prefill the user’s name and email.



  • The algorithm browser has been tidied to reduce the number of single algorithm categories.

  • Cells containing vector data in a table workspace can now be viewed in the table workspace display.

  • The browse dialog in the file finder widget now opens at the path specified in the widget’s edit box (if the edit box contains a full path).

  • The font in python editor and IPython console are ensured to be monospace. It also ensures monospace on KDE Neon distributions too.

  • There is now a warning in the settings to say that changes to Project Recovery settings are only applied after restarting Workbench.


  • Fixed an issue when save_as of a running script leads to crash upon script completion.

  • Fixed arbitrary values not being accepted as the Start Time in StartLiveDataDialog.

  • Fixed a bug where the option SignedInPlaneTwoTheta in ConvertSpectrumAxis would not give signed results.

  • A number of plotting bugfixes have been made.

    • Fixed a bug where the toggle state of the Grids on/off toolbar button was incorrect when opening a 3D surface plot.

    • Fixed plot bins not working on data with numeric X-axis.

    • Fixed a bug where the z-axis editor dialog was being initialised from the y-axis for a 3D plot.

    • Fixed a bug with autoscaling of colorfill plots from within the figure options.

    • Calls to EvaluateFunction, when plotting a guess or fit result in the fit browser of a figure, correctly ignores invalid data when requested.

    • The axes limits of Waterfall plots will now scale correctly upon initial plotting and overplotting.

    • The Z-axis limits of 3D plots can now be set on linux machines.

    • The colour of the canvas is now preserved when generating a script from a plot.

  • Fixed issue in DrILL when ASCII output was requested but the logs to save were not defined for that instrument.

  • The About Mantid page now appears on a new full release, even if a recent nightly was previously launched.

  • The instrument and facility combo-boxes are now always appropriately sized on the About Mantid page on macOS.

  • Fixed a bug where copying data from a table displaying a matrix workspace was not working.

  • Workbench will no longer hang if an algorithm was running when Workbench was closed.

  • Fixed a bug in the editor where uncommenting using ctrl+/ wasn’t working correctly for lines of the form <optional whitespace>#code_here # inline comment.

  • Commenting code in the editor using ctrl+/ will preserve indenting (i.e. # will be inserted at the position of the first non-whitespace character in the line).

  • Empty group workspaces can now be deleted rather than needing to be ungrouped.

  • Fixed a bug in Project Recovery when attempting to remove non-empty directories and raising the error reporter.

  • Users are no longer able to add a peak to the Fit Property Browser by clicking with the interactive tool outside of the axes (which would cause an error).

  • An unhandled exeception no longer occurs when attempting to open the Fit Property Browser on a bin plot.


New features

  • In the Pick Tab , a new panel allowing users to directly rebin their workspace now exists.

  • The ability to rotate Ellipse and Rectangle shapes has been added.

  • The integration slider now supports discrete steps when the axis has discrete values.

  • A new button has been added to the Pick Tab to allow all of the detectors in the instrument to be summed in the miniplot without having to draw a shape.


  • In the Pick Tab integration is now by default over the entire detector unless some other curve is requested (such as by drawing a shape or picking a detector).

  • The Y-position of the HKL labels on the miniplot is now fixed in Axes coordinates so that the label remains visible as the zoom level changes.


  • Fixed a memory leak when closing the Instrument Viewer Widget window.

  • Fixed a bug where folding the Pick Tab crashed Mantid.

  • Fixed a crash on the Draw Tab when trying to sum detectors on a workspace which doesn’t have common bin edges across all spectra.

  • Getter for the Instrument Viewer Widget will return a fully constructed instance to avoid a segmentation fault.

  • Opening the Instrument Viewer Widget while a workspace is being reloaded will no longer cause a crash.



  • Fixed the out-of-range error when trying to access the projection matrix for a workspace with a non-Q axis before other Q axes.

  • Fixed an issue to plot negative values with logarithm scaling.

  • Fixed a bug in Run goniometer when using Plus v1.

  • Fixed the issue in SNSLiveEventDataListener when the instrument doesn’t have monitors.

  • When entering a specific value for the center of the slicepoint of an integrated dimension/axis it will no longer jump to the nearest bin-center (this fix also affects MDEvent workspaces as it was assumed each dimension had 100 bins for the purpose of updating the slider for a integrated dimension/axis).

  • For MDHisto workspaces the projection matrix will be derived from the basis vectors on the workspace rather than searching for the W_MATRIX log.

  • Slicepoint center is now set to the correct initial value (consistent with position of slider) for MDHisto workspaces.

  • Sliceviewer now closes when the underlying workspace is deleted.

  • Removed the peak table from peak viewer when the table is deleted in ADS (and now closes peak viewer if there are no more peak tables overlaid).

  • The peak actions combobox is updated when an overlain peak table is deleted.

  • Users are now able to export x/y cuts and 2D slices from the region of interest tool for MDHisto workspaces.

  • Transposing data (i.e. swapping x and y axes) of 2D MD workspace, now works without error.

  • Fixed issues with the colorbar autoscale not updating correctly on zoom.

  • Stopped the ROI rectangle selection extents jumping discontinuously when the user tries to resize beyond the extent of the colorfill axes towards the line plot axes.

  • Sliceviewer will no longer dynamically rebin when viewing an MDHisto workspace that has been modified by a binary operation (e.g. MinusMD).

Release 6.3.0