
Reflectometry Changes

New Features

  • Algorithm SaveISISReflectometryORSO v1 has been added to allow reduced Reflectometry data from experiments at the ISIS facility to be saved into the ORSO ASCII format.



  • Fixed a bug where live data reduction via the ISIS Reflectometry Interface would not work if ROI Detector IDs had been specified in the interface.

  • Made it possible to provide a negative dQ/Q value on the Experiment Settings and Runs tab of the ISIS Reflectometry Interface to indicate that linear binning should be performed.

  • Fixed a regression introduced in Mantid version 6.8 where creating new batch tabs or deleting all batch tabs in the ISIS Reflectometry Interface causes Mantid to crash.

  • Fixed a crash that would occur if invalid inputs were given in the options column of the Runs Table in the ISIS Reflectometry Interface.

  • Fixed a bug with live data on OFFSPEC where the alternative method for looking up the vertical gap for slit 2 in ReflectometryReductionOneLiveData v1 was incorrectly returning the vertical gap for slit 1.

  • Fixed a crash that would occur when trying to save a batch to an invalid location.

Release 6.9.0