
Framework Changes


New features


  • Fixed an unreliable segmentation fault in the ExtractFFTSpectrum algorithm.

  • The LoadIsawUB algorithm now correctly adds the UB to the first experiment info when the input workspace has more than one.

  • SaveNexusProcessed and LoadNexusProcessed has been fixed to correctly work with Ragged Workspaces.

  • The ScaleX algorithm has had a 95% speedup when using the “InstrumentParameter” property.

  • Remove reference to numpy.distutils in IntegratePeaks1DProfile, since as of NumPy 1.23.0 it is deprecated.

  • Fixed bug when all sample times are before 01/01/1991


  • The CheckWorkspacesMatch algorithm was deprecated in Release 3.9.0 and has now been removed. Use CompareWorkspaces instead.

  • The ConvertEmptyToTof algorithm was deprecated in Release 3.9.0 and has now been removed.

  • The AddNote algorithm was deprecated in Release 3.6.0 and has now been removed. Please use Comment instead.

Fit Functions

New features


Data Objects

New features


  • Added a + 1 to EventWorkspace::sortAll to prevent grainsize from being 0.


New features

  • Creates documentation for mantid.dataobjects python bindings

  • The python function assert_almost_equal for testing if two modules are within a tolerance was reworked


  • Fixed error in the log about load_module() being deprecated in Python 3.12.


New features

  • Updated compiler on Linux to gcc version 12, which should improve performance in some circumstances


  • Allow versions of pycifrw greater than 4.4.1

  • Add a run constraint to the mantid package to constrain the optional matplotlib dependency to v3.7. Previously it was possible to install any version of matplotlib alongside mantid in a conda environment, but we cannot guarantee compatibility for any version other than 3.7.


See Mantid Workbench Changes. Release 6.11.0