
Diffraction Changes

Powder Diffraction

New features


  • Fix bug in DiffractionFocussing not properly accumulating data when CompressEvents prior to it in PreserveEvents=False mode

  • Fix bug where compression isn’t run when logarithmic is selected in AlignAndFocusPowder

  • Refine error message when applying absorption correction with missing sample details in powder diffraction scripts

  • Defect since 6.9.0: fix bug in PDCalibration where input pixels with empty event lists were no longer being masked

  • Fix bug in the calibration diagnostics plotting where the solid angle of detectors were not extracted successfully

Engineering Diffraction

New features


Single Crystal Diffraction

New features

  • A new output property, Cells, has been added to ShowPossibleCells that includes the cell information in a usable way

  • New algorithm SaveMDHistoToVTK that saves a MDHistoWorkspace as a VTK file so that it can be visualized by Paraview.

  • New algorithm FindMultipleUMatrices to find multiple UB matrices (given lattice parameters) for sample with multiple domains or spurious peaks.

  • Add method find_consistent_ub to ISIS single-crystal reduction classes to find a UB that preserves indexing given a reference workspace (at different goniometer angle(s))

  • Add method optimize_goniometer_axis to ISIS single-crystal reduction classes to optimise the goniometer axes and angles given a sequence of workspaces at different goniometer angle with consistent UBs

  • Improve determination of background bins by minimising third-moment (skew) in IntegratePeaksSkew by forcing skew > 0 (minimum skew would expect in background)

  • Add cabability to not integrate peaks which include a masked detector in the following algorithms

  • Improve shoebox position optimisation in IntegratePeaks1DProfile - would previously be centred on nearby stronger peaks if present.

  • Add method calc_absorption_weighted_path_lengths to ISIS single-crystal reduction classes that calculate tbar for each peak (saved in a column of the table) and optionally apply an attenuation correction to the integrated intensity of each peak. By default the correction will be applied if class has property scale_integrated = True)

  • Update to algorithm AddAbsorptionWeightedPathLengths that now allows lean peaks to be used. There is also an option to apply the correction.


  • LoadWANDSCD now keeps the sgl/sgu angles set by the goniometer

  • ConverWANDSCDToQ simplifies the underlying code by using histograms directly

Release 6.11.0